Wednesday, August 30, 2006

RDA - Alcohol.

In mind of the recommended weekly alcohol intake we are advised to adhere to, I thought I'd document the number of drinks I have each day this week. Hopefully the excercise might make clear to me whether I'm drinking more than what most people would deem normal or not. I suspect "most people" drink a shitload and hopefully somebody will reply telling me I'm well within the norm. I won't make any efforts to drink more or less than usual, so this should represent a typical, organic week's worth of boozing.

Anyway, Monday was as follows:

A pint of Stella, a couple of bottles of Corona, a double Tia Maria and coke, and a shot of Corky's.


Five pints of Guinness and two bottles of red wine.

I'll update this tommorrow, safe to say I haven't had anything this early though.

Well, five double Jack Daniels and coke's and a pint of Guinness went down pretty quickly when I was working last night. I just read a pint is equivalent to two units, I'd thought it was one.
Not sure how many drinks went down on Thursday really. I'd estimate between 12 and 14 pints of Guinness, which is not something I do regularly. Might have tipped the scales the wrong way when I tally up the week's units though. Woke up to find six hardback Catherine Cookson novels on the floor near the living room. No idea where they came from.
If I remember rightly...
Friday: three Jack Daniels and coke's and a pint of Guinness.
Saturday: one pint of Stella, two bottles of Polish lager, seven pints of Strongbow and a strawberry Daiquiri.
Sunday: one and a half pints of Guinness, a half of Fosters, bottle of Stella and single Jamesons.
Went and calculated the amount of units consumed in the last week, and it came out at 94. Seeing as the limit is supposed to be 21 I guess I have the answer to my question. That's a pretty sobering thought. Will abstain from drinking for at least a week while I contemplate these results.


At 2:27 pm, Blogger Phu said...

Yes. I work in a pub and until I land some proper employment the drinks keep flowing. Just not sure how excessive it is or not, because everyone I know does the same!

At 3:31 am, Blogger Fuff said...

I think the Catherine Cookson novels far outweigh the booze in excessive potential to harm one's mind.

At 12:01 pm, Blogger Phu said...

Haha, yeah I have no idea where the Cookson novels came from. Well, I'm going to abstain from drinking for at least a week, if possible.

At 1:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 pints of guiness and 2 bottles of red wine on a tuesday is really something else... don't you think that you are a bit excessive?


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