Thursday, June 15, 2006

Out on a limb.

Even though I had imagined finishing my studies would have freed up my time for blogging as usual, I didn't foresee the difficulties a lack of free internet access would bring. Getting to a net cafe is a pain in the arse and not frequently possible when you're trying to have a life. Going to save up for a computer of my own as soon as I get the chance.

Everyone's saying it's a good thing we probably won't meet Germany in the next round of the WC, but I hardly think beating Costa Rica and struggling for 91 minutes to score against Poland is a sign of any threat. Yeah, England had a shit second half against Paraguay, granted, but I don't think that would happen against Germany. England generally play less good football against rubbish teams, they'll still come good in the next round though, mind you, even then it'll be Ecuador or Costa Rica. Tonight should be a laugh, watching them smash Jamaica was just boring, it was meaningless, but if they do something similar in the WC I'll be glued to the screen, even if it is against Trinidad and Tobago. Probably best not to go out on a limb like this, but I reckon England will win with three goals, in the conservative estimate, four if someone like Lampard sticks one in for good measure. Got to keep serving beer to a bunch of pissheads while I'm trying to watch the match though unfortunately.

PMQ's was great yesterday, Blair was in danger of losing out to Cameron just because he got so visibly agitated, while Dave kept it cool and tried to laugh off any blame Blair attributed to the Tories for the state of the criminal justice system. Blair was the real winner though, he out-argued Cameron and generally made a little bit more sense/packed a bit of a harder punch.

Almost easy to forget you were watching politics really, the issues debated seemed less important than the entertainment factor.

Anyway, back to the job hunt...


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