Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mouse War.

Had intended to write an update concerning the Mouse War while I was on the bus this morning, but ended up having to stand, crammed between people with a rich variety of odours emanating from them, for the entire hour and a bit. Incidentally, if you're ever in that situation, remember never to inhale through your mouth at any point, as you can practically taste the stenches.

Anyway, to the task at hand.

It has been a harsh winter, compounded by the lack of central heating in my abode, which has made getting out of bed in the morning similar to entering one of those big walk in freezers wearing shorts and a tee shirt. The enemy will certainly not have found the conditions agreeable. With its main base of operations in the kitchen, with its freezing cold tile floors, it must have been like the long hard Russian winter the Nazi invaders had to endure. The Rodent Queen of the 'humane' trap misery had advised us to place a piece of newspaper underneath the trap, so the cold night time floor wouldn't kill the mouse. So, with it being such a long time since the last enemy sighting, I entertained myself with the idea it had fallen victim to the unforgiving circumstances.

Then, disaster. My better half reported an enemy sighting and worse yet, there were two of them. The bastard didn't just survive, he brought a recruit! How long can there be before this unholy alliance spawns a new generation of invaders?

The dynamics of the war have changed too. Saturday night we saw a mouse in our bedroom (well, all I saw was a dark blur moving very quickly).

The bedroom!

It's like that picture of Hitler, Speer, and his other cronies parading in front of the Eiffel Tower. I can't believe I ever entertained thoughts of not inflicting capital punishment upon the bastard.

It's time for the big guns.


At 3:03 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Phu, I had rats.

Luckily I have a crack squad of three cats who got them before I had to call the council. I'd rather they die from a cat swipe than from poison. Quicker and fairer.

You are so right about the panic that comes when you realise that you don't have one rodent, but an infestation. You are obviously aware of my views about animals and the responsibility I feel we have towards them, but context is everything. Living with an infestation just isn't bearable, practical, or safe.

Sir, I admire that you tried and I feel your pain. Good luck and goodnight.

(Having mice is more respectable than having rats, and just in case you think that having rats means I leave rubbish lying around my house and don't know what a mop is, I would like to advise that there is a housing development across the road which has dislodged a rat community. Loads of people are having trouble with them - it's been in the community newsletter and everything.)

At 3:26 pm, Blogger Phu said...

lol... I didn't think that, my house is clean and we have rodents still. Are mice more respectable? I suppose they're smaller, which helps in the sense that I don't have to confront a bigger enemy, but is a hindrance in the sense that mice are so small they are really hard to catch.

At 7:48 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Correction needed. turns out they ARE mice, just very big ones. I'm in the process of killing them. Don't like myself very much.

At 1:55 pm, Blogger Phu said...

It worries me that mice grow to the size of rats.

I can understand your feelings though, sometimes life's just harsh, and it's you or them.

At 5:29 pm, Anonymous Selena Slough said...

My… but those mice seem hardy! How did you eventually get rid of them? It must not have been easy. It would have been best if you got professional exterminators to do the job for you. They would know other humane ways to get rid of the mice for you.


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