Thursday, January 05, 2006

Still snowed under.

Unfortunately, the vast amounts of work I have to complete are stopping me from devoting any time to anything else. This is the first time I've even been on a computer since Christmas, and I had promised myself I wouldn't spend the time blogging when I'm supposed to be picking apart the ins and outs of online media discussions.

Still though, the case of Helene Castel had me feeling compelled to write something. Jon Henley had an easy day of it. To paint a romanticised portrait of the young Parisian idealist, daughter to "intellectual" parents, who went on to raid a bank, and escape the shootout through a back alley, before moving to a new life in Mexico was never going to be that challenging, really.

But what was it this story actually made me want to write?

To question the value of sentencing this woman so long after the crime? No.

To mock the lilly-livered liberals who would do the above, arguing we should all pay for our crimes? Not that either.

It's just a damn good story, I think it made me wanna write a plotline.


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