Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Fuck off Jane Moore.

Polly Toynbee recently called the idea of Christ dying on the cross for humanity "repugnant". Rightly, she was swiftly mauled by several bloggers for such frivolous use of the word. So it is with caution that I employ it myself now. But then again, it's not like I have a readership of 300,000 odd is it?

Jane Moore is somebody I have often found repugnant for her hard-fact-concealing drivel she has at times attempted to smear the pages of The Sun with (admittedly, she's bound to fail in such company - it's like the opposite of trying to write "clean me" with your finger on a perfectly clean white van). Her annoying appearances on tacky Channel 5 shows that purport to "dig the dirt" by telling you Robbie Williams wore the same shirt twice only add fuel to my dislike of her.

And now the opportunist would-be celebrity journalist has seen fit to concentrate her efforts towards that fame on the humble Christmas dinner.

"WHAT'S REALLY IN YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER?" asks some faceless voice usually employed to warn of impending danger. As if we hadn't been subjected to enough televisual diet analysis already. It's as if Channel 4 have looked at the magazine shelves in the newsagents, seen the saturation-level presence of "how I lost a stone in two weeks" type features on the covers, and suddenly had an epiphany: That's what they want!

The following is a quote from the Channel 4 advanced programming schedule:

Following her investigation into supermarket foods in Dispatches: Supermarket Secrets , journalist Jane Moore now turns her attention to the once-a-year belt-busting extravaganza that is our Christmas dinner. Although the British public has never been more concerned about the food on our plates, Christmas is the one time we seem prepared to let down our guard and relax our vigilance. Dispatches analyses the nation's favourite seasonal dishes from the way they are reared and processed, to their cost and nutritional values.
Well exactly, I couldn't have said it better myself. "Christmas is the one time we seem prepared to let down our guard and relax our vigilance." So what precisely made you think we need to deny ourselves that one little respite as well? It's not exactly in the spirit of the season.


At 3:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's not exactly in the spirit of the season."

Perhaps it's an attempt to infuse the season with another kind of spirit. The spirit of commercialism, consumerism and hedonism does not really go well with a Christ on the Cross I suppose.

At 2:41 pm, Blogger Phu said...

Yeah very true, maybe they'll start calling it Giftmas or something instead.

At 3:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But at the very least the trailer to this show syncs the amazing "Rosmary's Baby" theme tune covered by the excellent Fantomas, available on the album "Directors Cut" on Ipecac label. I'm almost certain not chosen by Jane More. Still, A recommendation to all - and not spotted by any other bloggers on the net. I can't really be arsed to watch the show as I'm kind of sick of this "don’t you know you’re eating crap" TV. Well, we’re watching your hack show riddled with reconstituted clichés masquerading as journalism, are you surprised? The whole thing sounds about as illuminating as Jamie Oliver's arse, which contrary to popular opinion, does not contain the sun.

At 11:48 am, Blogger Phu said...

I really like that comment.


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