Monday, December 12, 2005

Jackson "not the father".

Heard something about the 'news' that Jackson isn't the real father of his kids, that his other half of the time underwent artificial insemination. I've always found it strange that Jackson, a black man with a skin condition that has paled his own skin pigment, would have white children. It just seemed odd that the disease would mean his children were born with no trace of black heritage. Even if the condition is hereditary, surely the kiddies would be born darker and change later in life, like Jackson himself?


At 12:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well duh! anyone could see they're not his children! i just wanna know how he's got away with it...actually scratch that. if he can get away with child abuse, he can get away with anything. i mean, it doesn't make sense his kids have blonde hair! does his skin disease effect them as well?

At 4:01 pm, Blogger Phu said...

Maybe it's a hair disease as well?


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