Thursday, December 01, 2005

Aunty better watch out.

Al-Jazeera seem to have gone through more than most young television stations have to. I remember, when channel 5 "burst" onto our screens, (well, some of them) they faced a barrage of criticism. This criticism was mainly concerned with the channel's coverage problems, poor programming, and generally being rubbish. But all that fades into insignificance when contrasted with the minefield of opposition al-Jazeera have had to pick their way through. Actually, scratch that. They've pretty much just kept on walking their straight, determined path through it.

Greeted with suspicion in the Arab world, the station has been charged with serving an Israeli agenda, attempting to disintegrate Arab unity, and promoting western values and ideas.

In the west, al-Jazeera have fared no better. Being an Arab station run by Muslims, Washington naturally concluded that it was a propagandist tool of Osama and his allies.

With the furore over the leaked memo, al-Jazeera has found itself thrust into the spotlight once more, and have decided to come out fighting. Wadah Khanfar, head honcho at al-Jazeera, appeared in yesterday's Guardian asking Bush and Blair why they want to bomb him, and demanding the truth be revealed.

Don't Bomb Us is a blog run by al-Jazeera staff. Together with Blairwatch they have pledged to publish the memo if it becomes available to them, and have set up a list anyone also willing to risk their freedom can join.

That Blair has promised to jail anyone who publishes the memo is predictable enough, freedom of the press is a very disposable thing. Citing the Official Secrets Act the government can easily justify caging a few pesky journalists or so called "citizen journalists".

But hang on, Official Secrets Act?

What's the implication here?

Last week we were told it was all a joke.

If there is nothing to hide, why conceal the truth, I wonder. An even bigger question is why Bush would want to bomb al-Jazeera. It's not as if al-Jazeera have been spreading anti-American propaganda for the last nine years. Don't believe that? Then why has so much of the Arab world treated the station with suspicion and contempt?

The answer of course is that al-Jazeera make a deliberate effort to show the world "the opinion, and the other opinion." That is a different thing from the gung ho "saviour of the world" image Bush wants of the US. It is also a different thing, however, to acting as some kind of al-Qaida sympathizing, extremist propaganda mouthpiece.

Honestly, I just hope Bush doesn't happen to switch on News 24 and catch any coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian troubles.

Otherwise Bush's bombers could be flying over west London any day now.


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