Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I'm not a celebrity, let me in there!

Celebrity, to me, used to mean somebody famous. Oh how the times are a changin'. Some of the 'stars' of ITV's I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here are so past Z list they'd need the Greek alphabet to accomodate them. Get them out of there? They were banging the doors down to get IN there.

Sure, I know about Blue, the cheesy boyband that once crooned over the 'Hip Hop beats', (ahem) and Atomic Kitten, but aren't the sums far greater than their parts in both cases?

And if I quickly chuck in David Dickinson and Sid Owen's name I've just about mentioned all the members of the team I could actually recognise.

The rest must have got lost on their way to a Channel 5 reality show and somehow ended up in the ITV squad instead.

But let's not get into too much analysis of how famous any of these people really are. The point is I can't imagine why anyone would be interested in watching them talk about nothing in particular for thirty minutes (or is it an hour?) every night. I've tried watching it twice now and couldn't last longer than a couple of minutes.

There does seem to be a bit of a formula when choosing candidates for the show.

And because of this, I am able to intelligently and accurately conjure up a brief statement that will serve equally well as a description of any previous series, or a prediction of any future series:

Sitting round the campfire, cheesy has-beens attempt to rekindle public interest in their past chart successes (or failures). In the charts of contempt, they rank fairly highly, beaten only by the small collection of 'eccentric' toffs, intent on showing Blighty just how jolly good their brand of fun is. When the 'bushtucker trial' takes place, somebody screams while eating a bug, being showered with gunge, or undertaking some other challenge usually reserved for CBBC and Pat-with-the-long-hair's Funhouse.

Still seems a bit long, it needs editing.

OK, this will be better.

I'm a Celebrity... description/prediction take 2:



At 1:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! you may be above it all, and think the programme is shit, but it's a laugh and it's even funnier when you see the z list celebs proving they have no dignity whatsoever by eating skippy's bollocks!!

At 11:01 am, Blogger Phu said...

I don't think I'm above it all, it just seems like an over-hyped, boring programme...

is that you Toyin?


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